How we began

2021 was the birth year of our own crystal and mineral mining operation in the Peruvian Andes. Starting in the coastal desert mountains of Lima Province we are planning to expand on a national level unearthing new types of minerals and high quality crystals, showing the world the spectacular richness and diversity of the Andes.

In 2021 we started our own small scale crystal mining operations and we are in progress of growing this new branch of our business. When mining ourselves we have total control of the environmental impacts caused and our workers are hired under regular labor contracts being provided with all legally required benefits and safety measures. All our products coming from our own mining operations are clearly marked as such.

Definitely, making our own mining in a growing number of locations, is the best way to make sure that our crystals are environmentally friendly and ethically sourced. If you have a crystal business or if you are looking for a sustainable investment opportunity, you can become a partner in our Global Ethical Mining Initiative

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